Two of my interests, Jonathan Safran Foer and vegetarianism just collided in a most delectable way. Foer has come out with a new book called Eating Animals. The dude breaks down how much of our meat comes from factory farming and just how fucked up that kind of farming is.

I stumbled onto this when another one of my loves (though this one is more of the kind I don't tell most people) Ellen Degeneres was interviewing said author. If he had gone on The View those broads would have torn him apart, but Ellen really engaged him and listened actively. The crowd was totally bummed out, because Foer didn't try to balance tales of horror in the factory farm with enough jokes. The crowd was informed they were all receiving a copy of the book and they kind of groaned a fake enthusiasm. Seconds later, they were told they would receive some goodies from Mariah Carey, perfume, CD, etc. and gave out a real cheer.

Still, Foer eloquently discussed veganism in front of a room full of ladies that may never have heard the word. Props. The cover is in what has become typical Foer bright and in your face style. How curious does it make you that the man behind Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is tackling the ugly, messy issue of animal cruelty?

Curious enough to buy it? Well then, Eating Animals is on sale for only 15 bucks.


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