I am an ardent lover of this Blog, and I love her blog, she is my inspiration and mentor in my baking and the experiences going through each time I bake something, and I love it!!, Many many thanks to her. So....? , wondering who she is, that is Aparna of My diverse Kitchen, well, I have joined so many groups just to bake, I told aparna once that the only way I could start baking was joining these groups!!, she encouraged me and wrote to me that I should take everything in an easy pace and here I am, enjoying the art of baking!!, thanks Aparna, for your encouragement. 
Coming back to my Bread, every time I wanted to post something to the #BBD (Bread Baking Day), which is for theJanuary 2010, Baking Bread for a Birthday Party hosted by Jamie of Life is a feast. Again I should say I went to her blog sometime ago when we baked for Daring Bakers challenge, I was so amazed by her write ups and the photographs she posts which are so apt to her write ups, you must visit her blog, you will definitely love it, and her baking & photography are too good too.., As I wanted to participate in this I baked these small french rolls(?), well not exactly I did not make them into rolls, because I forgot the title!!!! :), to send it to her birthday party, I hope she might at least give a glance to it.  I couldn't think anything as I had just a day left and here the weather is cold, it takes such long hours for the dough to raise!!, Thank God!, this one did within a day, I made the dough yesterday and it raised by evening today!! and the second raise was also quite quick actually and apparently I baked it just around 9:30 in the night !!
I love these French breads, they are made of milk and they are quite sweet, like the ones I get in Bangalore, the Broiche rolls are so nice. Someday I want to try them.
I made this from a Book by Christine Ingram and Jennie Shapter and is called The Book of Bread. They say that These are classic French round milk rolls have a soft crust and a light, slightly sweet crumb, and says won't last long!!, Well, should I say it was quite true, My kids loved it and wanted to eat two more!!, I had to stop them as it was late in the night and they had their dinner already.
I was so happy that it turned out quite well, soft inside and of all the things I always dread is has it baked well, and it actually was, thank God!! for that, My hubby said it was quite nice and does goes well with coffee. Jamie I do not know you like it not or not but I made this for you, even though I can't send it you, wishing you a very happy birthday, and many more birthdays to come is to you.....


  • 450 gms/4cups unbleached white Bread flour
  • 10ml/2tsp salt (1 tsp salt)
  • 15ml/1 tbsp Caster sugar (1/4 cup caster sugar)
  • 50gm/2 oz/ 1/4 cup butter, softened
  • 15g/1/2 oz fresh yeast (1 tbsp fast action yeast)
  • 280 ml/ 1 cup milk, lukewarm
  • extra milk for glazing
  1. Lightly grease 2 baking sheets. sift the flour and salt together into a large bowl.  Stir in the sugar.  Rub the softened butter into the flour.
  2. To 4 tbsp of luke warm milk add yeast whisk it well and leave it to froth up, then add the remaining milk, then pour into the mixture and mix into a soft dough.
  3. Turn out on to a lightly floured surface and knead for 8 to 10 minutes until smooth and elastic. place in a lightlly oiled bowl, over with lightly oiled clear film and leave to rise, in a warm place, for 1 to 1 & 1/2 hour or until it is doubled in bulk.
  4. Turn out the dough on to a lightlyh floured surface and gently knock back, Divide into 12 equal pieces, shape into balls and place them on the baking sheets giving them space to raise again
  5. Using a sharp knife, cut a cross in the top of each roll, cover with lightly oiled clear film and leave to rise, in a warm place, for about 20  minutes, or until double in size.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees/400 degree F/ Gas Mark 6.  Brush the rolls with milk and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until Golden.
My verdict: They were lovely to handle but the onlly variation I did was as I have indicated next to the ingredients in red colour and then I made them into small squares, at one end I put chocolate chips folded half way through then placed some more chocolate chips on them and folded the other end of it by covering the chocolate chips on the top of it and made it into long rolls tapered at either end and slashed the top not too much as indicated as they were so fluffy.  As I told I used more sugar than the quantity indicated and less salt, I wanted it bit more sweeter as it goes well with the family trend.
One another thing I wanted to send by baking to yeast spotting of wildyeast, So, here I am sending this to Yeast spotting.


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