I made this from my Bread Book, quick I had to think that I want to make something ASAP, as today I have to post it for the BBD# 34 - Baking Bread with Grains, which is my favourite event, I was going through lot of recipes, and I remembered I had some grains in the cupboard which I could use.
The Authors say that this bread has a very Interesting flavour..., in their own words...
''The addition of Maize meal and cornucopia of seeds gives this superb loaf an interesting flavour and texture''.


Well the loaf turned out well, but I am not a very satisfied person when it comes to bread baking, as I go through lot of bread baking blogs and wonder with all those technical hydration they talk about, create steaming, baking stones, kneading and so many things, which makes me feel very sad, that I am not able to get into that kind of exposure, even somethings I understand I am not able to provide myself with so many equipments required for a successful Bread Baking, Just like those puds and desserts the chefs create!, I envy them all, nah, just kidding.., may be someday I might be able to learn some part of all those things :)) or :( ?!!!.... Let's leave my face and come back to the recipe.., I enjoy baking all that matters..., and my kids do enjoy my Breads (they think the world of their mum!) Bless them...
I should say everything went well with this Bread except I forgot to check the baking !, my husband reminded me that why is the oven on ( that's because I was posting my recipes for the events at that time and I forgot all about my bread in the oven ) , I ran to find that the bread was completely done!, I switched off the oven and took the Bread out of the oven to cool down, that is why all the seeds got burnt!, but after it got cooled the crust wasn't too bad, and it sliced out very well.

I made little changes to this dough as I did not want to bake a big loaf, so here are the measurements.

1 cup All Purpose flour
1/2 cup of Maize meal
1/4 cup of Rye flour(Recipe did not call for this)
1/2 tsp Salt
1tbsp of dried yeast
1/4 + 2 tbsp of Luke warm water
1/4 Cup Milk
2 to 3 tbsp of Olive oil ( Recipe doesn't call for this)
1 tbsp of Linseeds
1 tbsp of Sunflower kernels
1 and 1/2 tbsp os Pumpkin seeds

In a  bowl as I always do put the yeast into it, and add 2 to 3 tbsp of the luke warm water with 1/4 tsp of sugar mix well and keep aside in a warm place for 10 to 15 minutes just to check if the yeast is still active, after few minutes you can see the bubbles forming up and raising. 
Meanwhile Sift the flours and salt together, Now add the milk and remaining water to the yeast mixture stir  in well.
In a large bowl take the sifted flours make a well in the centre pour the yeast mixture to it and mix thoroughly into a fairly soft dough, In this part my dough got a little bit sticky, but learning from mistakes I did not add any extra flour just smeared a little bit of oil to my hand gathered the dough and strated folding and twisting and kneading the dough with a touch of oil and twice dipping my hand into the flour shake the extra flour and knead it, until it started to gather into a nice and elastic soft dough.
Then I oiled the bowl and cover the dough container with a cling film and left it to double in volume in a warm place, it must have 2 to 2 1/2 hours as it was quite cold here.
After its first raise I turned the dough on to a lightly floured surface and knock back. Gently I kneaded the sunflower and linseeds into the dough and shaped it into a round ball then put into my basket to raiseto double in volume again for around 1 and 1/2 hour in a warm place.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 200 degree Centigrade/Gas mark 6/400 degree F, 
After the second raise,  Brushed the top of the loaf with water and sprinkled the Pumpkin seeds over the top, I slowly transferred it on to my baking sheet, Bake the loaf 30 to 35 minutes or according to your oven or until it is golden and sounds hollow when tapped on the base of the bread, Transfer the loaf on to a wire rack to cool.

This was the Loaf which came out of the oven!

The Autors gave some variations bascially they topped the loaf with sunflower seeds and filled the loaf with pumpkin and sesame seeds.
They say to incorporate all the seeds into the loaf and leave the loaf top plain or instead of sunflower seeds top it with Sesame seeds. Here is the picture of the original recipe..........

I am sending this to the Bread Baking event # 34 hosted by zesty south Indian kitchen of swathi started by Zora of Koch topf and also to Bake off event of Champa's and it is also yeast spotted!

Huray 3 in one enjoy.....
c u soon take care............


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