Ngurah Alit, the young residents of Jembrana, Bali, must marry a cow to go through customs sanctions. Tradition must be complied with the 17-year-old bachelor, because the action violated nekatnya cow.

Alit is a citizen of the village of Yeh Threshold, Jembrana. Alit mecaru ritual (washing on the beach), Saturday (12 / 6), witnessed by hundreds of people. Alit purified and then wed. Tradition that led the local traditional leaders.

According to residents, Alit must undergo a tradition rather than citizens to share in the disgrace impact Alit deeds. Residents agreed to hold accountable Alit act strangely after it discovered some time ago.

Ida Bagus Legawa, local community leaders say the ritual as a means of cleansing the village. Alit actions considered unnatural and unfavorable impacts. He added that the cow had married Alit immediately thrown into the sea after a tradition held.