Oops!!Athisseyama Athirasama!!, that's what I felt when I made this!!, It was and became a great challenge to me, believe it or not I made it three times, I have 2 lots of Mav left in my fridge!!, how does it sound, well I have planned to use them in different ways now!!, coming back to the recipe Srivalli of Spicing your life who started the Indian cooking challenge asked us all to prepare Adirasam before the dead line date, even though I did twice it flopped, I was so upset  I really wanted  it not get dispersed in the oil, and come out well, so I did it again, the third time and this is how it turned out!!, it was not actually flat and the way Adhirasam would look like it was kind of poori but cooked well inside and flaky!!. As valli had posted 2 types and asked us to post, the recipe which we used, I used this recipe to do this.., for the best results and how really they look like with the same recipe check Jayashree (not me!! :))), valli and Lata's blog.



Raw Rice : 200 gms
Paaku Jaggery: 250 gms
cardamom : a pinch
sesame seeds: 2 tsp
Ghasa Ghasa/Poppy seeds : 1/4 tsp


Soak rice for 6 hours and shade dry it. It should not become dry it should still have some moisture in it., you can either grind this to fine a fine powder using your mixie or give to mill.  The rice flour should have that texture of soft and wet feeling, when you take a handful of rice flour in your fist it should retain your fist shape. (This kind of mav is made for maavillaku ), This is very important because if the flour is very dry it wouldn't come out well.
Get all the things ready when you put the Jaggery for cooking
Take water that is enough to dilute Jaggery. Dissolve the jaggery, Remove any impurities that may be present then again cook till the paakam is ready. The consistency is very important here, paakam should be of  3 thread consistency, for this the paakam to check if the consistency is correct, my aunt told me in her exact words take a small bit and drop in the water it should make ''tan '' sound!!, what she means to say is that you should be able to make a small ball out of it, and it shouldn't spread out not even a little bit. That means you have achieved the 3 thread consistency.
Remove from fire and poppy seeds, cardamom powder and sesame seeds then add Rice flour little by little without any lumps with continuous mixing it should turn into a chapati dough consistency, it is always to have more Rice flour, in case you may need extra flour, or it might be left over too which can used in other ways.
The flour should not stick to your fingers, Take a plastic ready make it into balls and press them flat to a palm size and fry them in hot oil one by one Turn it and cook on both the sides, and drain them on kitchen towel and serve them.
Mmm.., Love it!!, Valli made me do this, thanks valli for this lovely athirasams!!
Take another peek at my athirasams

Can you see the flaky middle and my little pooris!!


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