I recently heard John Carney referred to as a magician's magician. Not a term you hear everyday. John Updike is sometimes called a writer's writer. Basically it seems that this is short for not famous, not all that popular, but talented and respected by one's peers. To be so highly regarded by those who practice the same craft is an achievement, but how impressive would it be to cross fields? I'd like to see the work of an artist's musician, a dancer's hairdresser or a filmmaker's chef.

For me Patton Oswalt, in the video above, is a writer's comedian. His routine is less a series of facial contortions and goofy catch phrases than it is well-written jokes crafted much in the way that we do stories. Listen to his description of the basement and the horrible couple. If he were to ever try his hand at fiction, I'd bet it'd be mighty fine.


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