Hi friends,
Hope you all had a wonderful Diwali celebrations, Hope everything is back to normal routine life.., I have been quite tired from past 2 weeks with lot of things going on apart from the festive mood. Long back when I saw Priya announcing cooking with seeds event I got tempted and thought I would also like to host an event and wrote to her, she immediately was happy to give this month's  slab, I never thought about it then, that I had lot of things to do this month, few days back I wrote to priya rather she wrote to me to remind me of my event hosting, I felt very bad for not communicating to her, I wrote back to her and told her about the seed I had chosen already and told her that I wanted to wait until November 10th till the festive and holiday mood calms down, she agreed that it was perfect. So, here I am with my announcement, and my apologise to the next month's event holder Niloufer of Kitchen Samraj... Check out her blog for next month's event announcement....
Coming back to the CWS - Event which was started by Priya of Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes..., I don't have to introduce priya, she is a blogger who dares to try out , venture into lots of cuisines and does lot of  innovative cooking, She is the brain child of this event and I have chosen Anardana seeds for this wonderful ongoing event...........

This is my first venture in my blogging world, where I have made new friends, new ventures in my cooking world, different cuisines, different spices, and lots of new different ideas in baking and lots of things I have learnt with not just cooking but different things... This is my new step to this lovely world of blogging..., Even though as always I have repeatedly told you I have cooked, baked for different events, I have never been able to post things on time, and miss it so much because of lot of things in my life basically my health, keeps me on a roller coaster ride, as right now I am suffering from a headache, but I just decided whatever it is I am going to do this post, as tomorrow is November 10th and I feel so guilty if I don't do it now, betraying priya, as she had faith in me that I wouldn't let her down :).
I chose Pomegranate seeds as I have not used it in my cooking, I had seen some recipes related to this seeds in some blogs I had bookmarked them too.., I do not know much about this seed so I was curious to know the uses and the value, I mean health benefits of this seeds, I did some googling but really couldn't find much about this seed but lot about Pomegranate fruit.
I have come to know that this fruit derives from the Latin word Pomum (apple) and granates means seeds, It is said its origin is from the region of Persia and Himalayan ranges, In Persia Anar + Dana means Pomegranate seeds. These seeds are said to be made from Dark wild Poms they are too sour to eat fresh and are sticky spice, gives tartness to dishes..., So give me all your old, new and innovative recipes in cooking or baking from this seed....
Here is what you need to do...

  1. Prepare any recipe/remedy with this seed.
  2. Only vegetarian/vegan  please as my blog features only vegetarian/vegan  recipes.
  3. Post your dishes from 10th November to 10th December
  4. Multiple entries are welcome
  5. Link back entry to CWS - Event announcement page and to Priya's Event Announcement page.
  6. Using Logo is your choice
  7. Will accept old entries if you just link the recipe to the event announcement page, no need of reposting.
  8. You are welcome to post anything useful you know about this seed.
  9. If you do not have a blog no problem Please e-mail your recipe to my mail and I am glad to include it in my round-up.

Please E-mail these details to

Your Name
Your Blog Name
Recipe Name
Recipe URL/Link

Hoping that you would all participate in this event and make my first event a great success....
Loving to see all the dishes created by this seed.....

Thanks and cheers


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