This was what my mom used to make during the season of Mangoes!!, well, now of course it is the season of Mangoes!!, Summer time Mango, Karbooze (water-melon) time, it is such a refreshing drink, right from the fridge, when yu serve it chilled when the sun is scorching it is absolutely a bliss, In Banglore, there are a lot of Fresh fruit shops which have a good business during summer, and here they sell it as Mango milk shake with Ice cubes and it feels so good!!, I think I am going on and on about this, writing about this I think I am walking down my memory lane !? or in the streets of Banglore!!, Oh! God! whatever it is let me come back to the recipe and I need to tell you why I made this!!
I joined this club of book lovers called ''This book makes me cook'' who read a book every month and cook something from the book!!, I wanted to join this club and I had this thought from a long time, but never got a chance to write to them, last month I decided I was going to join them just for the love to read books, It was quite a hard way to start off with as I could not get hold the copy of that book so they helped me with it and I had a hard time as reading the soft copy was quite difficult, I was crying and laughing !!, My children thought mum is upset reading the book and that's the reason she is crying but then I had to tell them continuously reading for an hour or so everyday was bringing water in my eyes!! but the book was quite hilarious!!


Of course, as always I couldn't get a good click!!, coming back to the book, The book called 'Can you keep a secret' by Sophie Kinsella - what I thought was when I started reading it, I found it quite amuzing as she was scared of travelling on planes and how she blurted out everything she had kept in her mind to a complete stranger, without her knowledge thinking she was going to die!!, but later on when she realizes after they touch down, she feels embrassed about herself turns out that the person is her Big Boss, who falls in love with her, quitely turned into a M & B kind of book, but, it was not entirely,  much of the romance like the M & B's but as I always say the same old story, was not quite a impressive book for me.
I was little confused about how did they choose the cooking from the book I assumed that the eating they do is what we had to cook!!, As I had very little time left I thought this was the easiest I could make.
Emma Corrigan, the herion of the book everyday drinks Mango smoothie, says that is the healthiest drink everyday morning, well, actually what way the resturant prepared her Mango smoothie but I prepared it this way!! Here is my recipe, before that I would like to thank Simran and all the team members for welcoming me into the book club, I could not post it on the 4th as suddenly my husband decided that we would all visit my sister and my clicks were still in my camera and I hadn't downloaded it!!, sorry for the delay.....

1 Large Mango peeled
A pinch of Cardamom powder
1 cup of milk
2 to 3 tbsp of sugar as required

Take a Large Mango, peel out the skin and squeeze out the pulp discarding the seed (vaate), then mix all the ingredients together mentioned above beat them all together with the help of mixie or an electric whisk until they all combine together, Add sugar according, if the mango itself is sweet it does not need sugar other wise you can add sugar as you prefer.
Serve immediately or chilled.

I was introduced to this as Maavina Hannina seekarne when my neighbours who used to serve this with poli/obattu !! with the hot poli/ obattu served to your plate they used to pour this seekarne on top of it and we had to eat it !!, Try this out when you make poli next time and tell me how you liked it, I used to still love it with hot obbattus!!

I would like to thank Simran of the foodiezone who gave this opportunity to read this book and all the other books I am going to read because of her and all the other in the group, thanks to you all. check out her blog for what others have done!!


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