Style graffiti letters F. 3D sketch graffiti alphabet F

As she found her pooping in the toilet he rose to his knees and began to massage his penis, which was already after her striptease in this tiny dressing room

Our porn video library should be enriched, and this girl we met in the most daring train station is our next victim was employed by a trio

Graffiti on the train. write my name "KERIN" in graffiti

A-Z alphabet graffiti handwriting. Create a graffiti style fit your desires degan artists. Art is beautiful

Hi everybody, I made this a few days back, kids wanted something spicy to munch with cheese, so I thought of making these, got bored of making rolls, garlic breads, palya buns, I haven't posted them yet isn't it ?, God! Knows where they are in my loads of clicks, I remembered my Dough nuts from DB challenge, I couldn't find them at all, but I found my swirl swiss roll cake!, May be one day if I get a few days off from my daily routine, I could post all of them.
The Masala Bun/Khara Bun which I had baked long back was the one which turned into spiral bread, I was quite happy as it got over the day I baked it :)).
When Pari announced only Bread I thought I will post all my Breads, and it is already 25th I got 4 days to go!, Let me start with this one.


Made two loaves

I have been making a sour dough starter and the dough which needs to be discarded and we have to use fresh flours to incorporate in it, I did not want to throw it so I took the dough (200 gms ), This dough has both APS and Rye Flour in it, to this I added 1/2 tsp of yeast  and an other 50gms  and a little extra of APS flour mixed  to make it into a dough and left it in the fridge to rise, This dough also I have used to bake this bread.
This Bread can be baked without the Preferment dough too.. Just using the Ingredients for the dough.

Ingredients for the dough Flour:
4 cups of Strong Bread Flour (or APS/Maida flour if bread flour not available)
250 gms of Preferment dough (optional)
1 and 1/2 tsp Yeast
3/4 th to 1 cup warm water
10gms  Sugar
1 and 1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp of Coriander powder
1 tsp of Cumin powder
1 tsp of Pepper powder
1/4 Oil ( I used sunflower oil)

Ingredients for the Masala:
1 Medium sized Onion
6 to 7 Sprigs of Dill leaves
6 to 7 Sprigs of Coriander leaves
4 Green chillies
1'' Ginger
3 Garlic Pods
1/2 tsp of salt

Take Instant yeast in a large bowl, add 2 to 3 tbsp of warm water (not hot), just warm water, and sugar as said above, mix well and leave it in a warm place to raise, once you see bubbles raising up, that means your Yeast is still active.
Now take this bowl, add all the dry masala Ingredients under Ingredients for the flour, combine them well together now add the flour, mix well again.
Now start adding water until it forms a soft nice dough.
As each flour differs, be careful when adding water, no need to panic if the water is excess add flour and make it into a dough, so it is better to add water carefully and make a lovely nice soft dough.
Once you have made the dough, start kneading, at least for 10 minutes, keep the dough near you, push the dough to stretch upwards by your end of the palm, keep pulling and stretching all the flour, I have got a photo of that I will search for it and post it next time. The more pull and stretch the flour, the gluten in the flour starts to expand, no need to do it too much, and spoil the texture, good exercise too :)).
you can check if you have kneaded well by a window pane method hold a bit of the dough using both your hands between your thumbs, forefingers and middle fingers and stretch if it stretch well and looks very transparent not breaking anywhere, that's it you have done well, there are loads of videos on Google explaining this method to you. check it out.
Oil the dough and put it in a bowl and cover it with a cling film or with a wet tea towel, and allow it to raise, here it is important that the raising period depends totally  to the place where you live. My raise usually takes quite a long time some 2 to 3 hours, I always leave it to raise with its own time, Allow it double in volume, Once it is doubled (that is when you press your finger into it, it should stay put like that for some time), take it out.
Meanwhile when it is raising, chop all the Ingredients under Masala heading and keep them ready until required.
Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 7
Take the raised dough and punch it in the middle to let the air loose out, now knead it again, but this time not as you did for the first time, handle the dough carefully like a flower, fold from all the sides and do it two to three times, that's enough now spread the dough to a rectangle.
To the spread Rectangle  add the chopped and thoroughly mixed Masala and spread it on the rectangle, and start rolling from the longer side.
I cut them into two and made two loves as my tin is quite small.
when rolling tuck everything nice and proper so they don't come out, once it is completely rolled see to it that they are sealed properly.
oil the tin a little bit and put some flour on to the shake it and then slide this roll into the loaf tin with the tucked in side going below, oil the surface and cover it with a cling film again or with a tea towel in a warm place for the second rise.
After 1 to 1 and 1/2 hour, the dough is ready to go into the oven.
Little Tips I do before baking a bread :
I put a bowl of water under the rack of the oven and spray water all over the oven, carefully not on my Gas kind of incorporating steam technique inside the oven ( it kind of cools the oven) and when I slide the dough to bake, it slowly rises and the bread bakes very well.

So the first few minutes the bread bakes because of steaming and takes around 1/2 an hour to 45 minutes once the bread is completely done.
This bread had a lovely crust, and easy to slice like a normal sandwich bread, and of course it was very delicious, 
Only thing was I forgot about the bread in the oven so it was little brown in the top on one side :)), remembered later on I was baking a bread and ran to check it out, It was already baked.
Thank God I removed on time.

Oh! yes look at it one more time, isn't it lovely!, absolutely delicious...
Sending this to Champa's Bake of event and BBD # 37, and Pari's only Breads event. and of course it is yeast spotted.
I am also sending this to Sara' Ginger and Garlic - Healing foods started by Siri - Cooking with siri

As it turned golden browned on the top I can also send this to Food palette series-Brown event by Torview

Sometimes it pays to live in Houston.
On March 8, 7:30pm, Eric Eckstrand, Ryan Call & Miah Arnold will be reading at Kaboom Books as part of the Spring 2011 Nano Fiction Reading series. All three of these folks are excellent writers. And Kaboom Books is known for laying out the tasty spread (did that sound dirty?) Come and get some literature.

image from Everyday Genius

Graffiti murals name with alphabet "Tom". Graffiti art murals cool design.

Carole discovers the world of a women's prison, women desperate to earn a few moments of forgetfulness, or moments of ecstasy, a world-for-all with its attendant humiliation, stress and porn pleasure stolen.

Young sexy girl like suck dick on the street. Best free blowjob video!

Examples of 4 fonts graffiti with the words James. How to write my name in graffiti? you can write graffiti download fonts and install on your computer, just write according to your name. Or you want to make a graffiti with a unique style. graffiti sketch in the style you want. Good luck with making graffiti.

Hi everybody, how are you all ?, This post was in my draft from 2 weeks, This one I tried in an impulse, and it turned out great, A good way of making kids eat a healthy steam cooked, protein rich food and of course no oil too.., isn't it great about these Idlis, I love Idlis anyday (I love dosas too and love upma Oh! shut up ..), well that would be a long list.
Hmm.., But, I do have to tell you this, when I land in Bangalore go home, have a good bath the first thing I do is  straight to the Darshini around the corner, near my house for a plate of Idlis and Vada!, Oh! that is a complete satisfaction don't you say...
Ok will stop now, I have few more posts to link..., Coming back to the recipe, absolutely it was delicious.., should thank satya, because of her I made these... my Idli maniac daughter loved it,  that is a very important matter to me, her approval!,  made it, served it and looked at her face for reaction, she said to me  now and then I do cook well :)). But, she did say that like normal Idlis she couldn't indulge in it more, as it filled her stomach very soon, it kind of cheated on her :)). Oh! God she and her jokes....


2 Cups Idli Rice (or Sona Masoori)
1 and 1/2 cup Husked Green Gram
1 Cup Urad Dal
1 tbsp Fenugreek seeds

Soak everything under Ingredients previous night, Soak Rice and Fenugreek seeds together and Urad dal and  Husked Green Gram separately.
I have asked you to soak the dals separately because they require more water than the rice.
In the morning Grind the rice for few minutes until they become grain like then add the dals and grind together, you might feel that the rice is still grain like but it is alright.
Do not add too much water when Grinding  for Idlis it should not be like Dosa batter, it should be more thicker in consistency.
You can leave it to ferment for few hours or over night.
Grease the Idli plates with little oil every time you steam the batter this helps everytime Idli to come off easily from the plate and with a ladle full fill them up and steam them for 10 to 12 minutes without a weight on the pressure cooker, If you have a Idli cooker no need to bother about the time then as it pops on its own once done.
Serve the Idlis with chutney or sambhar.

LITTLE NOTE : You can use Idli Rice or Sona Masoori, as the rice which you use is very important, sticky rice or pudding rice won't work. You can use Ground rice/ Idli Tari sold in some supermarkets or Asian shops, use the same measurement but you don't have to soak like rice, you just have to soak the dals and grind  it to a smooth paste. Just 1 hour before you grind the dals soak Ground rice or Idli Tari in warm water, the warm water should be just to the level of the rice or a bit more 1/2'' more. If you add more water the Idlis become like Dosa batter.
After the dals are grinded add this to the tari, mix well and keep aside for fermentation, later on carry on as you do for steaming Idlis.
If satya hasn't done her round-up I would like to link this to her Twist the Traditional - Idli event.

Kanji Symbol Art Graffiti Letters Dragon God. Black and white graffiti alphabet

Hi everybody, How have you all been doing ? Me, Oh! no don't ask :)), Hoping to get alright soon, so why am I sitting and posting a recipe you wonder don't you ? well, don't as this was in my draft from a Long time, as it is Tuesday today and I don't like to miss Priya and aipi's Bookmarked recipes event and of course Hearth and soul  I just thought I will pin a few words and post the already keyed in recipe :)).
I got this recipe from a book called Malaysian food, I had written in my little (rather big) book, thank god! for that, half the time I don't even know where I have written them.
Let me not go into that right now, I love these Asian delights with different spices and pastes and try out these different Ingredients.
When I discovered this supermarket was selling Thai Spices I was quite thrilled, Now I always pick up a pack to make my own paste, somethings which I don't get I use dried Ingredients.
Coming to the recipe Nana means Pineapple and Lemak means cream (here it is coconut cream).  Actually it turned so well, and my family and friends who visited me also liked the different taste given to pineapple, you must try out and tell me, if you like it too.
I love Pineapple this is favourite fruit, I love juice, cake, Gojju, Rasam etc.., I haven't posted my Gojju and cake recipes still I will try to do it soon.


1 Small pineapple (around 2 cups of chopped Pineapple pieces)
2 tbsp of Oil
1 and 1/2 cup of Coconut milk (I used ready Creamed coconut tin)
2 cups of water


2 Red chillies
4 Green chillies
2 Lemon grass
6 to 7 Small Onions (or shallots if using may be 3 would be enough)
1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
1'' Galangal
1 tbsp of Kaffir lime powder
2 cloves of Garlic

Make a smooth paste of all the Ingredients under Spice to paste.
In a bowl cook chopped pineapple in enough water until soft.
Take a large wok, heat 2 to 3 tbsp of oil, add the smooth paste and fry for few minutes in a medium flame until the oil oozes out (I really did not do it till that, I am so impatient short of time, but did fry it for few minutes until I felt a lot of water content is draining out).
Now add the cooked pineapple pieces with the water (adjust water to make it a gravy) to the cooking gravy mix well add salt and allow it to boil, until all the raw smell disappears.
Now add the coconut milk, mix well and give it an other go for few minutes, in a low flame, stir in now and then, add required quantity of salt.
Mix well and put off the stove. make it into a Gravy consistency.
I garnished with coriander leaves, I do not know if they use coriander leaves.
I made chappatis to go with it and everybody loved it.

NOTES: Galangal looks more like Ginger, remove the skin. Slit open the first skin of the Lemon Grass and use the tender stem of that. I did not have Kaffir Lime Leaves so used the Dried ones.

This Pineapple curry goes to Aipi and Priya's Bookmarked Recipes and Hearth and soul too.,...

buy some prints, buttons, etc. on Berkley's etsy page.

This is the art of graffiti writing street with Hoskins. Graffiti with 3 color combination. Red yellow green design is simple but bubble letters to make different graffiti styles. I like it

Graffiti Alphabet
Graffiti alphabet letters A through Z in the paper. Own graffiti style fonts

Hi everybody thanks for participating in my Bloggers Marathon,  with Raks Kitchen. I received some mails saying that they have not been able to post the recipes for various reasons, If you send me the mail or link for the recipe I will certainly include it in my round-up. As the linky would have closed by now.
I had planned to post this yesterday but I have been very sick, My neck has become too worst, need to go and see the doctor today, hoping everything will be alright, I am suffering from Migraine too. Sorry for posting this so late.
My next person is from Nags - Edible Garden - cooking and me she has a lovely blog with lovely dishes, try out something from her blog as I have said earlier they must be her own recipe (ORIGINAL RECIPE) NOT from any bloggers.
Check out this Event page for the rules and details of the event 
Non-bloggers can send me a mail at with the details and possible a photograph, I will include it in my round-up.
Hoping to see you all in her kitchen to yours and to mine.


If possible include this logo in your post...

Nags of Edible Garden - cooking and me 

Send me your entries link with a photograph if possible to

Thanks and cheers
with lots of love

Raks says this is her method of making Aruchuvitta Sambhar, I make Aruchuvitta sambhar in my mom's way (no onion and no garlic) I always make my sambhar freshly and I don't stock them, when I saw this I thought of giving this a try.
It was lovely and yes of course, meal of the day done with satisfaction.
Hear goes the recipe..........


1 Cup Thuvar Dal
small Tamarind
10-12 Small Onions
3 Nos Green chillies
1 Tomato
curry leaves
small Marble sized Tamarind
1 and 1/2 cup of Chopped Vegetables (I used carrot, beans, potatoes)
Salt as required

1 tbsp Channa dal
1 tsp Urad dal
1/2 tsp Fenugreek seeds
5-6 Red chillies
1 and 1/2 tsp Coriander seeds
1/2 tsp Mustard seeds
1 tsp Jeera /cumin seeds
1 tsp Oil

1 tsp Mustard seeds
3/4 th tsp Fenugreek seeds
1 tsp Jeera
1 tsp of Oil


Heat a tsp of oil and fry all the Ingredients under Roast and grind and when cool make it into a smooth powder.
In a pressure cooker, cook the dal with a bit of turmeric and 1 and 1/2 cup of water until soft.
Now heat a tbsp of Oil, put in all the Ingredients under the temper heading and roast it until they all change colour, now add the chopped pearl onions fry until they turn transparent and now add chopped tomato and green chillies, curry leaves, cook them until they are soft.
Microwave tamarind in a cup of water, they would have become soft now keep it aside for few minutes until they are enough to handle to your hand, add a bit of cold water which makes it cool sooner.
Squeeze out the water, take the filtered juice add it to the cooking onions and tomatoes.
Now add the chopped vegetables until they are well cooked.
Now add the mashed and well cooked dal to it and cook all of them well together.
Now add the powdered sambhar powder to it and boil it for a few more minutes.
Now the Sambhar is ready to go, Enjoy it with warm rice and a dollop of Ghee.

This recipe goes to my Event Bloggers Marathon 

I had some Raw Bananas, I did not want to make the same old dishes, started looking around Raks Kitchen and
found this lovely recipe, so that's it made my mind to try it out.
It turned out very well and enjoyed it with again plain rasam!


3 Small Raw Bananas
1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
5 tsp of Oil
Salt as required

1 tsp Mustard seeds
1 tbsp Urad dal
curry leaves

2 tbsp Fresh Coconut
3/4 th tsp Jeera
3 to 4 Red chillies
1 large Onions 94 pearl onions)


Peel the skin of the Bananas and cut them into cubes and keep them immersed in water with 2 to 3 tbsp of Yogurt which makes the Bananas don't change colour
Now Grind the Red chillies and jeera into a fine powder, now add onions and coconut and grind into a smooth paste
Take a wok heat oil and add the tempering when it is done, add the chopped Bananas and fry for few minutes after that add the ground masala paste bring the stove to a low flame, mix well and close it with a lid and leave it for few more minutes, stirring now and then allowing the banana to cook very well, add required quantity of salt, and allow it dry out.
Now the dry curry is ready to eat with Rasam, sambhar and nice warm rice.
posting this recipe to my own event Bloggers Marathon

who doesn't love potatoes, and I love cooking them with different recipes.
If there is one new recipe I certainly want to try it out as my kids and H love potatoes too much, and I found one here in Raks Kitchen, we all loved it I just made this with plain rasam, we also mixed it with rice and ate it. Thanks again Raji for this recipe.


1/2 Kg Potatoes
2 to 3 Onions
2 to 3 tbsp of Coconut Oil
curry leaves
salt as required
water as required

1 tsp Mustard seeds
1 tsp Urad Dal
2 tsp oil

1tbsp Coriander seeds
4 tbsp Coconut fresh
6 to 7 Red chillies
1 tsp Jeera/Cumin
1/2 tsp Pepper corns

Chop the potatoes into cubes and chop the onions keep it ready.
With a tsp of oil roast all the Ingredients under roast and grind to a powder and keep it ready.
Heat oil in a wok, add everything under temper, when they change colour add chopped Onions and fry them till transparent, then add the cubed potatoes into it mix well.
Now add the roasted powder and sufficient water, bring the stove to a medium flame, close it with a lid and cook until the potatoes get cooked as required amount of salt.
Keep stirring now and then so the curry don't get burned.
Once they are well cooked, allow all the water to evaporate, Garnish with coriander leaves.
Serve it with nice warm Rice or may be chappati.

Hi one more recipe from Raks kitchen, It was quite different from my Iyengar puloiyogarai I usually make, my kids love puliyogare, so I chose to do this and try how it tastes, Mmm.., It was so nice and we all enjoyed. Thanks for sharing this recipe Raji.


1 big lemon size Tamarind
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp Asafoetida
1 tsp Jaggery
Salt as required
1 and 1/2 cup water
curry leaves
1 fist full of peanuts/ground nuts

1 tbsp mustard seeds
7 to 8 Red chillies (she uses 10-15)
4 tbsp Urad dal
3 tbsp Channa dal
1/4 tsp Asafoetida
curry leaves
5 to 6 tbsp Sesame oil

2tbsp of Channa dal
4 Nos Red chillies
3/4 tsp Fenugreek seeds/Venthyam
1 tbsp Urad dal
1 tsp Pepper


Take a pan fry all the Ingredients under to roast and Grind with a tsp of oil and roast them until the colour changes and allow it to cool, then grind to a smooth powder.
Meanwhile take the lemon sized ball of Tamarind in a 1 and 1/2 cup of water put it in a microwave safe bowl and microwave it for 1 minute. ( I always do this as it is so fast method when I am in a hurry to make sambhar, Rasam etc.., when I decide what I am going to make first thing I microwave Tamarind in water and allow it cool until I require it,  by that time it would have a cooled for our hand to handle this is the quickest way to make the tamarind soft and easy to handle).
Squeeze the lemon juice and keep it aside filtering the pith.
Take a large pan heat oil and add all the things under the heading to temper when they change colour,  add the Tamarind juice, allow it boil until the raw smell disappears.
Now add the  powder to the boiling tamarind water, now keep a careful eye on it turn the stove into a medium flame and keep stirring it and it starts thickening and becomes like a paste (rather should say like lehyam).
Switch of the stove, now add it to the cooked rice ( with another 2 tbsp of oil).
I grated 100 gms of dry coconut and 4 tbsp of Black Sesame seeds (fry the seeds in a wok till it starts spluttering now take it of the stove) grind both of these into a powder.
Add this to the Rice with the Pulikaachal mix well with Rice.
Do not serve it immediately, leave it at least for 1/2 an hour, this helps the rice to absorb the paste well into it and it tastes gorgeous.

I am sending this to my own event Blogger Marathon from Raks kitchen....

Hi I am planning to post all my recipes from Raji's kitchen rather RAKS KITCHEN, hope you are also with me dishing out recipes from her kitchen, I know linky keeps giving me trouble, hope so it is rectified now!, one more day to go come on.... Love to see you what you have all done...
I have nothing to say much more about Raji and her lovely blog she is great blogger, with a lovely smile, and a good friend and of course with amazing pictures and lovely recipes...
I have tried so many of her recipes, as I am person who tries to look out for recipes from other bloggers for everyday cooking, when I get the vegetables I start looking for different recipes which I haven't tried out, I will be posting some recipes from her blog..
I did a little change in the recipe.., nothing extra.., just the method.


1 (around 600gms) Cauliflower Florets
2 (around 280 gms) Onions
2 (around 220 gms) Tomatoes
1 and 1/2 Cup Peas
1/2 tsp Turmeric
Salt as required
3 to 4 tbsp of Oil
Few Coriander leaves to Garnish

1/4 Cup Coconut fresh
10 Nos Cashew nuts
1 Onion chopped
1 tbsp Pottukadalai/Daria/Chutney Dal
2 to 3 pods of Garlic
1 No. Cardamom
1/2 '' Cinnamon
2 cloves
4 to 5 Green Chillies
3 Red chillies
1 tsp Coriander seeds


Grind Using all the things under Grinding and from the Ingredients heading the Tomatoes and Onions into a smooth paste.
In a large bowl cook cauliflower and Peas with little turmeric and salt until well cooked then drain and keep them aside until required.
Take a large pan, Heat oil then add the Ground paste and turmeric to it, fry until the oil leaves the sides of the pan and the raw smell of the onions and tomatoes disappears.
Now add the cooked Cauliflower and peas into it with required quantity of water and boil for few more minutes with chopped coriander leaves and a closed lid in a medium flame say around 10 minutes, until they are all well combined and the veggies absorb the masala.
Garnish with coriander leaves and serve with Chapatis, dosas, Ghee rice etc..

I am sending this to my own event Bloggers Marathon from Raks kitchen
It was so lovely thanks Raji for sharing this recipe...

Create a graffiti tag name with a unique and interesting characteristics.

Few graffiti artists use their real name, both for tradition and to avoid prosecution if they get caught with their name--or tag--on private property. Choosing a tag name can be tricky, as a good tag must be short, memorable, original and distinctive to its bearer. Fortunately, there are a number of ideas for choosing a proper handle.

It is common for taggers to base their names on acronyms. Sometimes these acronyms will be vulgar, but other times they may stand for a neighborhood or other object of personal significance. A tagger from the west side of Detroit might use the tag "WSB" to stand for "West Side Boy."

Many taggers will make their tag a nickname, particularly a short and uncommon one. For example, while a tagger named Nicholas would seldom use the nickname "Nick" as a tag, a tagger with a rare, slightly mysterious nickname--say, "Grease" or "Frizzy"--might adopt that as his graffiti name.

Graffiti art, like any subculture, has its own sense of humor. Sometimes taggers will choose a pun as their name, often as a kind of in joke to other taggers. The modern artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, who was originally a graffiti artist, used to sign his pieces "SAMO", a pun both on "Sambo", the stereotypically black figure, and the phrase "same old"--a joke about the increasing popularity of graffiti, which was once an underworld phenomenon.

Many artists will base their name on a slang word or phrase, particularly one used in graffiti or hip-hop circles. One popular handle is the word "dank," which means "good" or "high quality."

Some taggers also chose to use adjectives, often one that they believe describes their personality or their style. According to, some local artists have chosen the names "Scarce," "Severe" and "Elite." This kind of name communicates to the other graffiti artists something about the person responsible for the work.

One of the simpler tags that artists adopt is their initials, particularly if the initials form a word. For variety, some taggers will also mix up the letters of their initials with a number, often one of special significance, such as their age or their area code.

Graffiti artists will often adopt a short noun for a name, particularly one that has a distinct feeling or describes a particular concept relevant to graffiti. The tagger names "Ebola" and "Cancer" connote danger and death, but also the idea that tags spread mysteriously, like diseases. [Via]

The guy is traveling on the bike with the girl, takes her on camera, fucking, she sucks him...

Hi, I had this lovely dal few days back, My second daughter was the first to have food, and she said it was 'Thumba chennagide' means it's very nice, I think the combination of dates and tamarind was very good!, I have to tell I was thinking twice to try this out, as my kids are not any more kids they are teenagers who don't get pleased very easily.
I thank Srivalli, for this venture of me, cooking dates in a dal recipe, and want to thank Pratibha and Jigyasa for allowing us to use this recipe from your second book 'Sukam Ayu'.
The dal was quite tasty with different flavours, I had to tweak it a little bit, nothing drastically I had no dried dates so used soft dates, cooked them with Dal so they can be mashed up and my children wouldn't even know !!.
I couldn't get hold of yam so I had to omit it, I used lot of other vegetables such as carrots, beans, Lilva beans, Drumsticks and it was really nice.
I could notice the Fenugreek taste in the Dal, sweetness and tangyness of dates and tamarind, I omitted Jaggery as my hubby seems to find out even a little bit of Jaggery I add!, he did ask me if I had added Jaggery but when I told him what I had done, he said Mmmm.., and said it was quite nice.
so here is the recipe...


1 Cup Tuvar Dal
2 Drumsticks
1 Medium sized carrot
1/2 cup Lilva Beans
7 to 8 French Beans
A fist full of Ground nuts (Peanuts)
1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
1 Green chillies
5 Nos soft dates
1/2 tsp Cumin powder
1/4 tsp Garam Masala
1 tsp Ginger
1 tsp Coriander powder
few Coriander leaves

1 tsp Ghee
1/2 tsp Fenugreek seeds
1/2 tsp Mustard seeds
1/2 tsp Cumin seeds
4 Nos Red chillies
curry leaves
A pinch of Asafoetida

Cook Tuvar dal with turmeric powder and dates ( but in the recipe what valli sent us was you have to use dried dates soak them in warm water and cook them with other vegetables, as I had no dried dates and I did not want my kids to find out what was in it I cooked them together with Tuvar dal and mashed them well) in a pressure cooker for 3 whistles.
chop the Veggies, cook them in a vessel with 2 to 2 and 1/2 cup of water with a ladle in the vessel and close the top with another broader vessel ( say like a besan type of vessel) with a cup of water in it. This helps in cooking the veggies quicker and faster in a medium flame, keep an eye when it is boiling so it doesn't burn underneath with no water :)). Add the masala powder, tamarind and Jaggery and let it also cook when the veggies are half cooked.
Once the veggies are done, add the Dal to them mix together and cook them again for few minutes adjust salt and curry leaves.
Meanwhile in a small wok, heat a tbsp of Ghee and add all the Ingredients under seasoning fry them for 2 minutes, add this to the dal and serve hot with a dollop of ghee and rice or with chapati or pulka.l
Mmm.., very delicious, you too make this healthy recipe and enjoy it.

Graffiti name with pink and purple graphics. Write my name in graffiti

Graffiti Street Art with the words "Metal Face" by JESSboo. Legal Graffiti in Brighton, England. Graffiti Alphabet A-Z

Brunette passed out on the kitchen floor, but we knew we would have liked a meaty cock in her teen pussy! Shortly thereafter, she asked us to fuck her hard in the ass

Hi hoping to post two more recipes, so I could participate in the events, let me start with this post let me quick and go right into the post :)).
I had some Spinach, Methi (Fenugreek) Leaves in my fridge, as I could not use just one and make a gravy I decided to use both of them, then I started making some little changes to my gravy  from just greens.
So here how it goes..............


1 Bunch Fenugreek (Methi) Leaves
300 gms Spinach
200 gms Paneer cubes (shop bought)
1 Large Onion
1 tsp Garam Masala powder
5 to 6 stalks of Coriander leaves
6 tbsp of Oil
Salt as required

8 Medium Sized Tomatoes
2 Garlic pods
1'' Ginger
1/2 tbsp Red chilli powder
1 tsp Coriander powder
1/2 tsp Cumin powder
1/4 tsp Turmeric powder
1/2 tsp Amla Powder

1/4 tsp Turmeric powder
1/2 tsp Chilli powder
1/4 tsp Salt


On the stove top as you can see in the picture, Roast the Tomatoes, peel off the skin, puree them with garlic pods and keep it aside.
Meanwhile when the tomatoes are roasting on the stove top, Cut the paneer into cubes and marinate them with the above said Ingredients.
Do not chop the Fenugreek leaves, not until the time you use. Just wash and pluck the leaves with thin tender stems, do not use the thick stalks as they don't cook very well, and might get stuck when eating. I used ready to use Packed Spinach from the supermarket, I just decided I will chop both of them when I use them.
Take a Large wok, heat 3 tbsp of Oil, add chopped onions, grated ginger and fry until it becomes soft and transparent, Meanwhile simultaneously when it is cooking, chop the Greens otherwise, if it is not possible, just lower the flame of the frying onions and then chop the greens.
Add these chopped greens to the wok and fry them till they become soft.
Meanwhile in an other wok add an other 3 tbsp of oil, when it is hot add the pureed Tomato paste and fry until oil separates out then add all the masala powders under the gravy heading and fry for few more minutes, it might become kind of dry when you add the masalas not to worry, just sprinkle a little bit of water, If you don't mind oil you can add another 2 tbsp of oil, then add the Marinated paneer and fry very carefully so they don't break apart. so, the paneer is well coated with Tomato paste and paneer absorbs the masala in it.
Add this Paneer gravy to the cooking Greens mix well until well combined, then add the Garam Masala powder and chopped fresh coriander leaves mix well, close the lid for an other 5 minutes in a medium flame, Now the Spinach, Methi and paneer gravy is ready to go with pulkas, chapatis or Nans.
REMEMBER : Add the masala powders to your tastes as everybody's taste differs, I might not make it too spicy and my chilli powder might be different than yours :))
Cut a slice of Lime/Lemon and squeeze it before you serve or just leave it on the plate with few chopped Onions to go with it. Yum yum...

This is a click of Fenugreek Leaves and I have given a link to the wikipedia to tell you lot about Fenugreek leaves, It is a very healthy Green leaves... check out...

This is an other click of my Garvy...

Sending this to Torviewtoronto's -Food Palette Green, Hope she likes it....


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