This is a sweet I always liked it is so sweet, but this is the first time I ever tried and my children enjoyed it so much, waiting for hubby when he comes back, what he would say !!, I particulary made this sweet for the RCI - Parsi cuisine, Lakshmi's RCI this october event was announced to be hosted by Meera of enjoy Indian food.  she had given some web sites to look into for parsi cuisine, I got this from they have some lovely recipes, I found that some of them are just like the Indian cuisine, and there were few more sites from which you could things about parsis their living, culture and food and it quite educative to read, thanks meera for this event and we enjoyed this sweet too..., well it doesn't look like the one shown in the photo there !!  they look fabulous in that blogspot, check out.


  • 1/2 cup Superfine Sugar
  • 2 tsp yogurt
  • 2/3 cup all purpose flour
  • 2/3 cup fine semolina (suji)
  • 1/4 tsp cardamom powder
  • A pinch of Cream of Tartar
  • A pinch of Baking soda
  • 1/2 cup Ghee (Clarified butter)
  • Chironji & almonds for decorations (I did not have so I did not use it)
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder
  1. Take Ghee, sugar & yogurt cream it nicely (saati hidiyodu as we say in kannada), rub it nicely it becomes until fluffy.
  2. Now mix all the other ingredients in a separte bowl except for the decorating nuts
  3. Now mix all of them together well , it will not be like a chapati dough but little softer than that might be like a cookie dough much softer.
  4. Actually the parsi cuisine says take it in a scoop and put it on to the tray & proceed to bake,
  5. As I did not have the kind of scoop or spoon which is shown in the blogspot i just rolled them into small balls and pressed them like cookies.
  6. One more thing I did was, I watched the video on where Mr.sanjay thumma shows how to make these and shows the different ways you can make it,
  7. I took his way of making double coloured one like I have done, I parted the dough into two, to one of it I mixed cocoa powder
  8. I rolled 2 small marble sized balls joined them together and rolled them into one and pressed them into a cookie shape and baked them on Gas Mark 2 for 20 minutes
  9. They were absolutely good to eat.
I am also sending this to Sweet celebrations from Mansi of fun and food cafe, I don't remember how I tumbled into her blog, I still need to explore her blog, just saw it today morning and when I saw the event I wanted to post as I had already done this, hope she accepts mine too..,


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