This is the speciality bread from Bangalore Iyengar's Bakery that most of south Indian people would have devoured and cherished, Actually I never had any idea about this bread, as I never ate bread so much, The maximum I ate bread only with bread toasted with vegetables, My Kids use to eat them with jams, So, many things change in life, when I think now, I never use to buy lot of bakery food as I always disliked my children eating anything which has yeast and Baking soda and powder in it !!, Now, I everyday they take only sandwiches to the school, they don't like anything Indian food in their lunch box, I give them wholemeal bread, and with some vegetables and lettuces and salad leaves.
My love for Baking has become a passion no an obsession, as my sister was joking the other day maybe it is because it is the blood, you must be wondering what I am talking about, well, I come from a bakers family, As I was saying earlier Iyengars Bakeries are very famous in Bangalore, all of them come from in &around villages from Hassan district, we have a diety in Bylahally called Lakshmi Janardhana, which I think most of you have must seen in the boards saying LG Iyengar's Bakery, all of them have a photo of this God!!, My forefathers and lot of my cousins have bakeries in most of South India, But, now a days most of them have gone into professional courses and have gone far and wide, But, some of them still are going in the business, Check that link to see more about the God!!, Kyatnahalli, is an other village in hassan district, some of family do come from that village too!!, The Bramha ratotsavam of this Lord Lakshmi Janardhana takes places every year during the month of January between 12th or 13th.  If you go their you can see all the Bakery owners from all over the place come to attend and nobody likes to miss this opportunity.  This God is a very small diety, but very famous !!.  They serve a lovely lunch and brunch during ratotsavam and the puliyodarai is just very famous too, served as a prasadam.
Coming back to the Recipe, I thought of getting this only when Harini of Tounge Ticklers, wrote to me about this, she was so interested in this recipe, So around 3 months back I called my cousins Ramprasad & Krishna both have bakeries in Bangalore, to find out about this recipe, They of course told me in their version of making in big bulks and I tried it thrice and flopped each time, their was some problem, but what I learnt from this was patience, my patience the 4th time gave me the best results during diwali I baked this bread that was saturday, my friends were here with me, and they gave me a thumbs up sign saying I have done it, and said it was just like the bread they relished in Bangalore, I was so happy, clapped my hands with tears of joy !!, So Harini this recipe is especially for you love, who was behind my mind to bake this bread. Here I have written in red the amount I used and black was what I got from my cousins do check my verdict before baking this bread as it has lot of sugar in it !!.

  • 1 Kg Maida (All Purpose Flour)/  300-325gms APF
  • 300 gm Sugar                               75 gms Sugar
  • 100 gm Milk powder                    25 gms milk powder
  • 10 gm salt                                     2.5 gms salt
  • 150 gm oil                                     37.5 gm oil
  • 10-15 gm yeast                             1 tsp yeast
  • 1 litre of water                              1 & 1/4 cup water
  1. In a bowl take 2 to 3 tbsp of warm water and add yeast to it with a tsp of sugar, mix it up and allow it to froth up in a warm place.
  2. Take flour, milk powder, sugar and salt , mix them all together.
  3. Once the yeast froths up add it to the flour mixture and then the oil and mix it well
  4. Then start adding water and make it into a dough
  5. Knead for 10-15 minutes with the help of dipping your hand in the flour now & then
  6. Keep the dough in a bowl, cover with a clean damp towel or pat a bit of oil to the dough so that it won't dry and cover the bowl with a cling film and leave it in a warm place until it rises doubled in size
  7. Once it completely raises take it out, give a punch and handle the dough like a flower and knead it softly for an other 5 minutes.
  8. Shape the dough and place in greased tin or on a baking tray or however you always bake your breads, spray a little oil on the cling film and cover it again and leave it in a warm place once again and allow it to raise until doubled in volume, Once it is completely raised take the cling film out
  9. Bake in an oven, preheated to 230 degrees ( 450d farenheit/ Gas mark 8) for 30-35 minutes.
  10. The baked loaf should sound hollow when tapped underneath
  11. Take the loaf out of the tin and cool on a rack.
My Verdict:
which I feel is very important as the way they described me was little bit different one of them said to take the amount of water he told and asked me to put salt, sugar, yeast and oil in it and then add the flour & milk powder to it and make it into a dough, the other didn't say anything about mixing as he was busy with the customers!!, so I had to write down anything he told me over the phone and did not disturb him during his business hours, well it was fun, So what I did was I just took 250 gms of flour and as could see I halfed and halfed it!!, but the flour wasn't enough when i made the dough and dough becomes so sticky I had tried with 500gms of flour too.., So I started mixing more flour but did not increase any other ingredients and maintained them as it was, when the dough became stick I kept increasing the flour and stopped until it became less sticky and I could handle the dough easily when I was kneading if it became sticky when kneading I dipped my hand just in dough take it out and start kneading again, that way I was not adding any more flour but I got the job done!! bravo.., then came the raising section and that was the best part, even the weather didn't help may be people leaving in India might be lucky as it is quite warm up there, mine took 24 hours and I just left with lot of patience and didn't do anything until it doubled in size, Once it raised I punched it, kneaded it again and put it back in the loaf tin and left it again for an other 24 hours and then I saw the raise, I had lot of patience as I had threw the baked dough thrice, that's it no more wasting so patience was my key..., job done Lo!! here is my lovely soft sweet bread, you all must give it a try, they were just so soft as the shop bought ones and I couldn't believe it myself.
So I like to thank Harini, & my cousins who gave me this recipe and I achieved it at last..,
Last but not least because of this bread I web searched and got this web address kaythnahalli where in |I watched this year's Rathothsavam of Lord Lakshmi Jhanardhana, in a video coverage.


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