Hi everybody, Hope you are all doing fine!!, Oats is one of those cereals which was introduced to me when my kids were 1 to 2 month old, My Dad got these porridge oats when my eldest was around 6 to 7 months, I wanted to give her that, but as I myself never liked as it is!!, I was not really very impressed with it, but it is a golden rule in the house whatever dad says must and should is important and need to be considered, so I gave her few months in tits and bits and finished of the tin!!, After coming to UK, I have come to know about it much more and appreciate it so much and try to use it in my everyday cooking as my kids do not fancy eating them, they love their corn flakes!!, I came to know from one of my friends as her GP told her mom that it also helps in reducing High Blood Pressure, as you all know that it  has no sugar, no cholesterol, low in sodium and saturated fat, and high in magnesium, manganese, phoshorus and thiamin and highly rich in fibers, you can check more about it in this link of wikipedia.
I have not specifically told how much quantity of Rice flour was required for making the dough, as I have said I just kept adding the rice flour until a firm soft dough was formed, Try making them in less quantity and hope you would know how to do it, once you do it, if you have never tried making these kind of rottis, which is karnatic style, Of course people who know to make simple akki rottis I don't have to tell them what to do!! right ?.


1 Cup Rice flour
1/2 Cup Oats
6 to 7 sprigs coriander leaves
1 sprig of curry leaves
salt as required
2 to 3 finely chopped green chillies
3 tbsp of freshly grated coconut (optional)
1 tbsp cumin seeds


First of all powder the oats in a mixie, then soak it in enough water as it absorbs lot of water until it is completely soaked.
Next add cumin seeds, finely chopped green chillies, salt as required, chopped coriander leaves and chopped curry leaves, mix well.
Now start adding Rice flour, as much as the watered oats takes until it is in the consistency of how you make Akki Rotti, that is it should be soft and not be sticky, it should come away from the bowl clean in which you are mixing
Alternatively you can also mix finely chopped cabbage, grated carrots, Vaal beans (Avarekaalu previously cooked soft or very tender ones which are small and nice) etc.,
Once the dough is ready you should make rottis like this, as I have showed in making these Raagi Rottis here.
Cook them in a medium to low flame with a lid closed, once they are done below turn them over and cook them for few more minutes just like shown in picture.
Serve them with coconut chutney or any thing of your choice, I love to eat them with pickles, I will be posting my pickle recipe soon I think as I am on the half way of doing it!!
Hope you all enjoy this recipe, I should thank usha of veg inspiration, whom I always call Oats queen!!, was my inspiration in creating this Healthy Breakfast Recipe.
we at home all of us enjoyed this healthy breakfast recipe.


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