I got this recipe from a vegan book by Tony weston & yvonne Bishop, But i did some change in it, But I should tell you it really tasted well, and I would certainly say a very high protein brownie, and I was so happy that it turned out so well, only thing is I was not able to take good photos (the best I can muster up I mean!, not like you girls, J started moaning again about her photos ) because as I always cook or bake only during night, my photos are always a flop !!. Ok, enough of my moaning , here is the recipe for these brownies.


  • 125 gm Quinoa flour
  • 125 gm plain flour
  • 250 ml luke warm water
  • 50 ml soya milk
  • 50 ml rapeseed oil
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 250 g demerara sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 125 g ready to eat dried prunes, stoned
  • 100g dates stoned
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp ground almonds
  1. preheat the oven to 180 degrees (350 F) Gas mark 4
  2. Place 2 heaped tablespoons of the flour in a sauce pan and mix in the water. ( I had mixed both the flour together with the help of a sieve, so that they are combined well together and then used this flour for mixing.)
  3. Cook stirring constantly, over a medium heat until thick. Set aside to cool completely.
  4. Combine the soya milk, oil, cocoa in a bowl and stir until smooth.
  5. Transfer the cooled flour mixture to a food processor or liquidizer, (as I do not have both of them I used my mixie to do so! ) add the sugar, salt, vanilla, prunes & dates (chopped them into fine pieces scared my mixie might get spoiled if I put them just like that!) and blend until smooth.
  6. Add the cocoa mixture and blend again
  7. Mix the remaining flour with the baking powder and ground almonds, mix well and then add the prune mixture and blend well (actually in the recipe it says blend them all again in the processor as I don't have one I used a spatula and blend them with my hand)
  8. Line a baking tin with a baking parchment and oil lightly.
  9. Pour this mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 40 - 50 minutes or until well baked, insert a knife and check if they are done, that is until firm to touch
  10. cut into slices and serve
Actually the real recipe called for 250g (8 oz ) wholemeal flour, and could use 250ml rice milk or water, 1tbsp carob powder ( i omitted as I did not have it !), 250 g of dark brown sugar (I used demerara sugar as I had no brown sugar in stock), and also the original recipe called for just 50 g dates, I used 100 g as I have so much dates in the house :), well anyways my kids enjoyed it and me too., so many good things in it, next time I will try with the original recipe, I just wanted to see how quinoa flour works. I am so happy as it actually turned out well.
The best thing in this was my kids loved it and I could eat it too


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