Of course everybody knows in India, summer means you can see melons everywhere, which we call in kannada as Karbooza, The water melon is absolutely gorgeous to eat, We eat it with a sprinkle of salt & pepper as my daddy always says, it helps you not getting cough or cold, I do not know how true it is !, But i know that some people suffer with cough, cold & end up with fever when they eat it, like my hubby gets it that is why he never eats water melon!, I always think that he doesn't know what he is missing!, I was going through usha's blog the other day and saw that she has posted curry with watermelon, I just told her i had one with me in my draft and i have not posted it yet!!, My time constriction is so much i end up with only photos and drafts and never publish them in time.., and I am also ending up with so many Bookmarked recipes as Nupur was saying, i must start trying one by one like her bookmarked project.., After usha's posting I have realised that you can use the whole fruit and that is awesome, Like pumpkin, the whole vegetable is so useful, I cannot post something like the skin of the pumpkin can be turned into a vatral by drying it out in the sun, which i learnt from my aunt when I was a little girl and they go so well with moresaadam/curdrice, as it has salt in it.


  • 6 to 7 Tomatoes (medium sized)
  • 2 onions
  • 3 pods of garlic
  • 1 cup white rind of water melon
  • 1' ginger
  • 1 & 1/2 tbsp of Red chilli powder
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp coriander powder
  • 1/2 tsp cumin powder
  • a bit of jaggery
  • a sprig of curry leaves
  • 1/4 bunch of coriander leaves
  • 2 to 3 finely chopped green chillies
  • 1 tbsp of tamarind juice
  • 2 tbsp of freshly grated coconut
  • 1 tbsp of chutney dal (roasted gram dal)
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  1. After eating the red portion of the fruit which is quite yummy, you can see the white portion of the fruit between the red and the green thick skin of the fruit, take this white portion of the fruit and leave out the green thick skin and chop the white portion into pieces.
  2. chop the tomatoes and onions
  3. Take a wok, heat oil, add mustard seeds once they splutter, add the finely chopped green chillies and then add the chopped onions and fry well, until they are transparent
  4. Then add the chopped tomatoes and the chopped melon pieces with a cup of water and close the lid and allow them to cook
  5. Meanwhile, In a mixie grind together the masala powders, coconut, chutney dal, garlic pods, ginger, & the tamarind juice
  6. Once the tomatoes and melons are cooked add this ground mixture into the wok with enough water so it gets a gravy consistency and allow it cook for some more time until the flavours get mixed well & add salt as per taste
  7. Then add the bit of jaggery and finely chopped coriander leaves to garnish and allow it to simmer for few more minutes
  8. Now it ready to be served with anything of your choice, rice, naan, chapatis etc.,
Here is my award which was given by Raji of RaksKitchen who has a lovely blog, with lovely explanations, and amazing photos too.., thank you raji for passing
this award to me. This award is called the Kreative Blog award and has got some rules in it, The rules for the kreative blogger award are
  1. You must thank the person who has given you the award
  2. Copy the logo & place it in your blog
  3. Link to the person who has nominated you for the award
  4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting
  5. Nominate 7 other kreativ bloggers
  6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate
  7. leave a comment on which of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated.

  1. Cooking is my passion, I love to try every dish I see, it may be blogs, books or my own creation, I like to try all the spices and powders I come across.
  2. I love to try all the vegetables & fruits I see and try them on my way of cooking
  3. I love entertaining people, which I am short of after I came here, I miss that opportunity of cooking lot of food for various occasions.
  4. My new passion is baking, I take this opportunity to thank Aparna, who has been so kind enough to mail me about eggless baking & encouraging words of how I must take to baking, I would like to take this opportunity to all the bloggers who always write to me & give me suggestions, and lovely comments, and help me in how to improve my photos & blog.
  5. I love reading books, all sorts particularly crime, watch any detective,crime stories, movies and any movies which are totally biased on comedy!! & hate to watch any soaps.
  6. Love listening to songs, particularly hymns which are my favourite, love browsing on the net, particularly anything about food!!
  7. I like drawing, sketching and gardening and above all my kids are my world, I try my best to do anything for them, and doesn't enjoy anything without them.
Browsing through the Blogs I have come to know lot of you have already been showered by this award and I thought I will pass on this award to people who have not got this..., but it is seeming to be a hard work but then I would like pass this award to
I hope all these blogs have not received this award i am sending this kreative blogger award to all you, hoping all of you would enjoy it as I did, and I would like to tell all the other bloggers i follow have beautiful blogs but i am not able to pass on this as they have already been awarded.


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