It's so boring I thought let me do some gardening today, as It was nice & sunny outside, well, I am so tired with cleaning & putting the washing out I decided i will do it may be on Tuesday. It is such a lovely day outside I thought of going out somewhere with my kids, well, I got up so late, and today my friend who came to stay with this weekend was going to India today.  I cancelled going out.  Thought I will post some of my recipes which are waiting from a long time!, and when I sit to do that my eyes automatically go to my dash board and I see so many recipes and I start going through them, then I have to again get back to my work , and now here my twins are fighting with each other, and I am shouting at them, this seems to have become a routine work,  Sometimes I get so fed up with their tantrums, I feel like running away some where.  

Well, I wanted to do something with my Rasam tonight it was boring to do papads, I had put urad dal for soaking for making Dosa, I just took some of grinded urad dal into a bowl and made this vada, it's  the same vada what we call as the uddina vada with Idly & sambhar, only I have added few bits in it for a change.


  • 1 cup urad dal
  • 4 to 5 sprigs of dill leaves/subsige soppu
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 sprig curry leaves
  • 2 green chilies
  • 1/2' ginger piece
  • 1/2 tsp crushed pepper
  1. Soak Urad dal for 1 to 2 hours & grind it to a smooth paste, using less water as possible, if you use more water then the vada will absorb lot of oil and vada will be very oily too..., add the required quantity of salt in its last whip.
  2. When the batter is smooth & done, take it out into a container add all the other ingredients to it and mix well.
  3. wash & chop the dill leaves, chop the chilies, ginger and curry leaves and coarsely crushed pepper to it and mix well.
  4. Heat oil in a deep wok for deep frying, with the help of a spoon drop a scoop of the batter into the oil 2 or 3 at a time, depending upon the wok you are using then fry it into a light golden colour and take it out like this fry all next batch, after the second batch is done take it out and put the first batch again and fry until golden brown in colour.
  5. One of the cooks told me this method, this way the vada will get a good taste, colour & crispy outer covering he said !! , well, I  am passing this on to you.
  6. Serve it with coconut chutney
PS: As I had already told in my earlier post that we do not make these kind of vadas on ordinary days, I usually while I am soaking urad dal I add a tbsp of chenna dal with it.


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