The journal Diddledog is very good about responding quickly to your stories. The timely rejections I have received have been concise and possibly terse. Anybody else have any luck with them?

Rejection from Diddledog #1:

Hello Ryan--

Can't you write a 900 word story? This one just seems so easy.


By "easy" did they mean easy to read, easy to forget or what? Isn't easy a good thing?

Rejection from Diddledog #2

Hey Ryan

Rather cartoonish, indeed. Too much of a stretch for DiddleDog, we think.

Just to describe the writing as cartoonish would be clear. Adding rather makes it stronger and indeed tops it off like a snarky icing.

Rejection from Diddledog #3

Not right for DiddleDog, Ryan.


Straight up now tell me.


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