Alan Moore's fantastic graphic novel, Watchmen, has been adapted into film form by Zack Snyder of 300 fame. Comic book fans are notoriously picky about adaptations as is Alan Moore himself. I feel the man. What they did to League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was nauseating. V for Vendetta was better, but in my opinion, still a stink fest. Sam Hamm, who was originally signed to write the screenplay said of the graphic novel, "The comic really is a spectacular piece of architecture. Trying to replicate it [was]just impossible." We're about to find out if it is in fact impossible to replicate when it hits theatres in March. People often comment about how cinematic Watchmen is. I think they are just surprised how complex and substantial a comic can be. Alan Moore said, "I didn't design it to show off the similarities between cinema and comics, which are there, but in my opinion are fairly unremarkable. It was designed to show off the things that comics could do that cinema and literature couldn't."
Though this statement sounds like something out of a pompous artist's mouth but the truth behind is the main reason that I am hesitant to watch it. I'm curious to see what the film is like, but I have a feeling it will disappoint.
Are you going to see it? Are you going to boycott it?

Also here is a really good article about the process of writing/creating Watchmen in the most unlikely of places, Entertainment Weekly...,,1120854,00.html


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