This is a rotti made out of Rice flour, This rotti I learnt from my father's side, My father is basically from Hassan, My pattis, periammas & chittis used to make it.......Even today when I go to my father's village it is like a staple food they make this ubbu rotti so fast & so tasty, like our everyday tiffin like dosa, upma & idlis....My mom does not do it too often, as she is not used to it much, When ever we go to our father's village during the Rathothsavas (chariot festival) in the whole village in everybody's house they cook idlis & ubbu rottis.......,I came to know later on from my neighbour Manu aunty who also comes from Hassan district but they are Jain's!!, they also cook this type of rotti but they made the size of chappatis, but in my dad's house they made it in palm size!!, This roti goes very well with paruppu Thuviyal (Dal Chutney) or with Brinjal gojju, Here I made it with Menthyad gojju (fenugreek gravy).


  • 2 cups Rice Flour
  • Required quantity of hot water
  • Required quantity of salt
  • 1 tbsp oil


  1. In a broad vessel, put in the Rice flour, salt and a tbsp of oil and mix well,
  2. Then add warm water little by little until it gains the consistency of chapati dough.
  3. cover it with a wet cloth
  4. Take a lemon sized ball, put some Rice flour on the table top and flatten this ball into palm sized chapati or roll it with the help of rolling pin just like a chapati.
  5. Actually it should be flattened with the help of ur fingers & middle of ur palm, to a big round chapati shape!!, continuously trying this will make u an expert, If u know how to make jolada rotti (corn flour chapatis) it is just like that.
  6. Put it on the tawa for 3 to 4 min, then u have to take it out and put it on the stove directly it puffs up their just like ur pulkas, nice & soft !!
  7. They are now ready to serve with any side dish u want.


This was the way actually it is done and I still do ubbu rotti this way because I learnt this rotti from my paati like this, It is a little tedious job, but it is a good one....

  • 1 cup rice flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 2 to 2 & 1/2 cup water


  1. Take a thick bottomed vessel, (stainless steel vessel not very apt for this), pour water in it and add salt & oil and allow it to boil for few minutes.
  2. Once it starts boiling bring the stove to a low flame, and pour in the rice flour in the middle of the vessel.
  3. Insert a ladle into it and close the lid and allow it to cook for a few more minutes.
  4. Take the vessel out from the stove, mix the flour with the help of the ladle like u do when You make Raagi balls,
  5. When it is completely mixes take out the rice ball & press it down nicely sprinkling little water & rice flour and make it into a nice big round Rice ball, cover it with a wet cloth.
  6. make lemon sized balls and flatten then into chapatis with the help of your hand or with the help of rolling pin & little rice flour.
  7. It is again cooked in the same way as I have told in the Method I
My mannis told this method to me, They wanted to fore go the above process!! so, they took a short cut method!!!, what they do is they cook the rice or sometimes use the left over cooked rice, Grind it in the mixie to a smooth paste without adding any water, and with the help of rice flour they make it into a big nice round rice ball and taking a lemon sized ball roll them into chapatis and follow the above said method to cook the chapatis!!! how zit? cool ya!!!
Well, which ever you make practice makes you perfect when you are making these ubbu rottis!!, try and enjoy this with any kind of side gravy you want.
I hope you would have understood the way I have explained, it was quite difficult for me to jot it down, I have tried my best to explain this......hope you got it!!

Here, I would like to thank Raji, of RAKS Kitchen has given me an award and i did not know how to post this...raji also taught me how to do it....!!Thanks for remembering me and giving me this award, thank you again.


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